
Welcome to Constructive Conversations! Over the years we’ve seen many different approaches to home maintenance. Some are good and some a little questionable, but most involve waiting for a problem and then asking lots of questions—what is a sump pump? How do I know if this is mold? Am I responsible for that water line? Does my insurance cover this?


We’d like to offer a different approach.


We believe that knowing the right questions to ask and the right people to call is the key to good home maintenance. We’ve built this channel because we want to use our combined years of experience to help you know how to care for your homes. Walls really do talk—you just have to know what to ask.

Our website is coming soon! In the meantime, be sure to find us on YouTube! Subscribe and 'ring the bell'  on YouTube to receive alerts of new videos.  https://bit.ly/constructive_conversations